Decentralizing AI is a necessity

We’re living in a critical moment, where artificial intelligence is becoming more powerful, and we need to decide how it’s going to impact our lives. AI has the potential to either be used as a tool for the better of humanity or to further the interests of those already in power, who have used technology in the past to control, exploit, and profit off us.

For decades, we’ve been trapped in a system—specifically capitalism—that has driven inequality, wars, poverty, and environmental destruction. The system has been fueled by greed, and it’s clear it isn’t working for the majority of us. Governments and corporations benefit from this broken system, and we can no longer trust them!

It’s time for us to take matters into our own hands. AI can be a tool for change, but only if we push for transparency, decentralization, and control over how it’s developed and used. We need to stop handing over our data to corporations who use it to manipulate and control us, feeding us ads and shaping our choices for profit.

Breaking free from this system won’t be easy, but it starts with action. We need to create our own networks, build communities, push for laws that protect people and the environment, and demand control over the technology that will shape our future.

If we want a future where technology serves humanity, not corporations, we need to act now. We need to push for Decentralization.
