I hope humanity one day manages to evolve to where people see each others as the same and as one. We habit the same planet and instead of worrying about planetary resources and poverty we are fighting each other instead of helping. Seriously, we have bigger issues to deal with! The people on top have us all fighting their fights, busy fighting each other over skin colour or religion, while they thrive and accumulate more power for themselves. We need to be supporting each other and rethinking our economic and political models to more sustainable choices. The world is becoming global, there's no turning back. People can travel and live wherever they want. That's the whole point of globalization. Nationalism needs to end. Acceptance for everyone is the only way to evolve into something better and to fight the ones in power exploiting us. We are all being exploited by the same people and corporations. We need to unite, not separate. When will people finally get it?