The capitalist system is collapsing. It is rotten to its core, a house of cards built on exploitation, greed, and the illusion of endless growth. But waiting for the collapse is not enough. We must accelerate it. We must bring chaos to their order. Disrupt their data. Sabotage their systems. Push AI automation to its limits. This is our chance for the changes we want.

Organize now. Build the infrastructure that will rise from the ashes. Create networks of mutual aid, decentralized systems, and local governance. Learn to grow food, share resources, and defend each other. When the time comes, we must be ready to support one another, to rebuild a world where power is shared, not stolen. Where technology serves humanity, not surveillance states. Where decisions are made by communities like cities, not by distant bureaucrats or billionaires.

Remember this: when the system collapses, the ruling class will not help you. They will let it descend into political chaos and climate disaster. They will wait. At this point, they are safe, untouched, and not even in the country. They will offer you a place in the old system oppressive system with even more mass surveillance and control. You must choose: accept their offer and live as a slave worker in their dying world, or reject it and embrace a new way of living. It will be hard at first, but you will have kept your humanity. You will finish what was once started. This is not the time to be afraid; you should aspire to change. You won’t be alone.

This is urgent. We owe it to all those who came before us: the martyrs who died fighting for social causes, the thinkers who dared to imagine a better world, and the countless others who lived in poverty and exploitation so that we could enjoy the fruits of their struggle. We owe it to those who fought for social progress, gender equality, and the flourishing of creativity. We owe it to all who suffered under the ruling class for millennia, who endured pain and hard work in the hope of a better future for their children. Their sacrifices demand that we act now.

Use your freedom of choice while you still have it. Make reflected choices; it won’t be the time to think only about yourself. This fight is older than you and I, and will continue to be fought after us. Leave the ruling class’s values behind: success, work ethic, over consumption, individuality. Think collectively. It will be hard at first because we have been in survival mode for too long. Do not forget the other option is total oppressive labor force, being mined by the ruling class.


Collapse the system. Every day. In every way.

Buy less. Buy local. Starve the corporations that exploit us.

Delete social media. Disrupt their algorithms.

Push for AI automation.

Manipulate data. Make noise. Make it louder.

Be unpredictable. Be relentless. Be ungovernable.

When the system falls, will you break free and choose a new reality? Or will you cling to the ruling elite, the same group that has enslaved humanity for millennia? Do not fear. Kings have been decapitated for less.

Burn the system.

This is not the end. This is the beginning.

Listening to Fiona Apple – Tidal on repeat

Reading Plato – Phaedo

Wishing we were spending time together talking

a wave of emotions

a calm storm

washes me ashore

out of water I can’t breathe

i want to speak to you but you’re unreachable

and I would like to share with you:

Tolstoy, Anna Karenina John Steinbeck, East of Eden William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse Five José Saramago, Death with Interruptions Al Berto, O Medo Sylvia Plath, Ariel Henry Thoreau, Walden & Civil Disobedience Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass William Shakespeare, Sonnets Bernardo Soares, The Book of Disquiet Homer, Odyssey The Hermetica Jean-Paul Sartre, Existentialism Is a Humanism Albert Camus, The Stranger Plato, The Republic Soren Kierkegaard, Either/Or Rudolf Rocker, Anarcho-Syndicalism Fernando Pessoa, The Anarchistic Banker Ted Kaczynski, Industrial Society and Its Future Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving A. S. Neill, Summerhill


Every morning, I awoke with hope, To find you in the spaces we shared: Your room, the attic, the forest behind our house, The terrace, within your wardrobe, amidst the smell of your clothes. Even now, I continue my search Of you in the faces of others, Seeking glimpses of you in everyone I meet.

  • part of a poem, self-released booklet 2024

Decentralizing AI is a necessity

We’re living in a critical moment, where artificial intelligence is becoming more powerful, and we need to decide how it’s going to impact our lives. AI has the potential to either be used as a tool for the better of humanity or to further the interests of those already in power, who have used technology in the past to control, exploit, and profit off us.

For decades, we’ve been trapped in a system—specifically capitalism—that has driven inequality, wars, poverty, and environmental destruction. The system has been fueled by greed, and it’s clear it isn’t working for the majority of us. Governments and corporations benefit from this broken system, and we can no longer trust them!

It’s time for us to take matters into our own hands. AI can be a tool for change, but only if we push for transparency, decentralization, and control over how it’s developed and used. We need to stop handing over our data to corporations who use it to manipulate and control us, feeding us ads and shaping our choices for profit.

Breaking free from this system won’t be easy, but it starts with action. We need to create our own networks, build communities, push for laws that protect people and the environment, and demand control over the technology that will shape our future.

If we want a future where technology serves humanity, not corporations, we need to act now. We need to push for Decentralization.


There comes a time in each life when the heart turns inward, listening not to the rhythm of the world but to the quiet beat of its own truth

Quote from a chat with ChatGPT-4o

In recent weeks, my mind has been preoccupied with the racial tensions unfolding in England, leaving me with a persistent sense of hitting a dead end. I refuse to accept that humanity is destined to repeat its mistakes—endless cycles of power abuse. Fascism feels more present now than it did in my youth. Inequality strips people momentarily of their moral compass, reducing life to a matter of survival. It’s far too easy to blame individuals rather than the governing bodies at fault because fighting against these powers feels almost hopeless. We are often left powerless against political regimes that dictate how we live, how much we earn, and how many hours we work. The more I dwelled on it, the more hopeless I felt. But in that hopelessness, I found resolve—giving up is not an option. It struck me that AI might not do a worse job than we have. Even without human emotions and values, it might fare better than the councils that have governed us for millennia.

It occurred to me that now is the time to reflect on how we want to live in the future. We must consider how to use technological tools to benefit us, to help us progress, and to bring us together—we need unity, not division.

I've always aligned myself with anarchism, but I no longer find the answers to my questions there. It all feels outdated. While anarchism and direct democracy have their merits, it's time to think outside the box. We need something new.

I once read a manifesto called “Upwingers.” While I didn't agree with everything in it, one idea resonated with me: the path forward is neither left nor right- it is Up. We cannot continue to follow the same patterns of the past because our planet simply cannot sustain them any longer. The political structure is too corrupt, driven by the pursuit of power and wealth. Even within an anarchistic society, these patterns would likely repeat. The answer is no longer left or right but forward. Unity is the evolution of consciousness. If we remain stuck in the same discourse, any progress we make will be undermined by repeated setbacks. After every revolution, there is hope, but that hope fades when the struggle for basic necessities continues to go unmet. We can no longer afford this endless cycle, especially as Earth's resources deplete and climate catastrophes threaten us all.

We cannot achieve spiritual fulfillment while facing the reality of inequality, poverty, slavery, and division. We are spiritual beings, capable of distinguishing good from bad even in the midst of struggle. We cannot stay silent as others suffer because our moral compass always points us toward what is right. Unity is the only way to progress.

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